Composite Sealers


Refresh is a solvent based UV resistant stain designed for use on all internal and external Wood and Composite Wood surfaces. Refresh is simple to use and has excellent application properties delivering natural looking colour with excellent transparency highlighting the natural beauty of all species of natural wood or (WPC) Composites. Refresh can be wiped on or spray applied delivering rich uniform natural looking colour with little or no need for toning of subsequent topcoats. Refresh is formulated using only premium UV resistant raw materials and exhibits excellent light fastness. Once applied, Refresh must be sealed with
either Aqualis H2Oil for natural wood, or Composite Sealer for (WPC) composites. Ensure to follow application requirements on label.

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Refresh is a solvent based UV resistant stain designed for use on all internal and external Wood and Composite Wood surfaces. Refresh is simple to use and has excellent application properties delivering natural looking colour with excellent transparency highlighting the natural beauty of all species of natural wood or (WPC) Composites. Refresh can be wiped on or spray applied delivering rich uniform natural looking colour with little or no need for toning of subsequent topcoats. Refresh is formulated using only premium UV resistant raw materials and exhibits excellent light fastness. Once applied, Refresh must be sealed with
either Aqualis H2Oil for natural wood, or Composite Sealer for (WPC) composites. Ensure to follow application requirements on label.
Can be tinted to suit most timber and composite colours
No thinning required
4 hours at ambient temperature of 25°C with good ventilation.
Topcoat may be applied after sufficient drying time has been allowed, minimum 4hrs.
Flat Lamb’s wool applicator: 10-15 m²/lt (Theoretical)
Spray: 15-20 m²/lt (Theoretical)Coverage will depend on the condition of the substrate.
2 litre, 4 litre
GP thinner or mineral turpentine

Additional information


2 L Gloss, 4L Gloss, 10L Gloss, 2 L Matt, 4L Matt, 10L Matt


Clear, Black Bean, Jarrah, Silver Gum, Sahara, Chocolate, Mahogany, Slate Grey, Walnut, Weathered Stone


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